Education Aims

As the foundress of our school, Tomi Kunori’s education ideals where to educate individuals with deep and rich knowledge, warm hearts and skills that would serve them well. Such an education, serving as a key to independence, is still the education we strive to give our students today. While developing one’s own intellectual self, Kunori Gakuen High School maintains key mottos, which students and staff value dearly, helping us bear in mind our objectives of becoming compassionate, trustworthy and responsible citizens helping to create a better society.

『礼』- Dignity
“We believe, in earnest, in the respect each and every individual is owed and that we should act accordingly.”
Having self-esteem and the same regard for others is the basis of respect. At Kunori Gakuen Senior High School, any attitude or act which violates one’s own dignity is not condoned. Having respect for others and greeting people warmly, with a smile that is also reflected in our words, is one of our goals.

『譲』- Dedication
“We work hard to show others what are capable of and use our capability to serve those we love.”
As humans, we truly feel our humanity when we realize our self-worth by helping others. Every day’s effort at school helps us develop our own capabilities, and by doing so, we are also preparing to be of importance and value to others. We strive to help make others happy, no matter how much or little.

『共同和楽』- Cooperative Harmony
By cooperating with each other, we try to help to make each and every one of our lives happier and more fulfilling. The accomplishment of graduating from senior high school is not achieved by oneself. It is the culmination of the combined efforts of all around us during those years. The individual’s strengths are given a chance to shine, while respecting each other helps each individual achieve his or her potential in various roles.  This spirit of cooperation always brings out the best in us.